A LEVELS: The latest results from around Calderdale

Hundreds of students have been collecting their A level results at colleges and sixth forms across Calderdale.

Here are the latest results from the borough:

Brighouse High

Results to come

Brooksbank School

Results to come

Calder High School

Results to come

Crossley Heath School

M Abbasi chem*, psychol**, maths*; C Adams geog, art; Q Afzal biol, chem, maths; I Ahsan span*, biol, chem; H Alderton psychol, econ, comp; R Allport frth maths, maths, chem; C Andrews psychol, philos, art; A Armstrong econ; S Ashiq psychol, maths, chem; E Atkinson geog**, rel studs**, pyschol**; G Atkinson psychol**, rel studs**, hist*; H Ayaz econ, psychol*, biol; R Aziz econ*, chem, biol*, maths*; D Bari econ**, psychol*, maths*; R Barnes geog, art, econ, maths; H Bilal biol*, maths*, chem*; H Blaylock maths, hist, eng lit; W Bowers psychol, pe, geog; E Briggs chem*, biol*, maths*; E Bullough econ, biol, pyschol**; L Burnip geog*, comp, des tech; E Butler psychol**, maths, hist*; R Caine econ*, hist, eng lit; T Carson frth maths, comp*, phys, maths**; I Castelow psychol, maths, biol; E Challenger span, psychol*, econ*; S Chishti maths, fren, chem; C Coates econ, pyschol, eng lang; T Cockroft geog, pe, pyschol; N Cooper psychol*, hist*, maths; S Daker maths, geog*, des tech; J Denton psychol, pe, biol; M Dobbins biol**, chem*, maths*; T Eso econ, comp, maths*; M Fairbank span, psychol, hist; N Farr psychol, fren, germ; R Farr psychol, fren, germ; R Featherstone pe, geog, biol; W Fielden frth maths, phys, maths; S Fletcher econ, pe, geog; E Flynn geog, biol*, art; S Foster psychol, econ, maths; A Garside biol, geog*, chem; D Garside rel studs**, philos*, gov and polits; K Gaukrodger geog*, psychol**, biol*; G Gaunt psychol, rel studs, biol; S Gee geog, pe; J Goult comp*, phys*, maths; M Hadfield fren*, germ*, econ; M Hannah psychol**, econ*, geog*, eng lang*; H Hashmi psychol, hist, law; G Hayer span**, chem**, maths**, eng lit**; J Highley geog**, psychol**, fren**; G Holden econ**, geog**, pyschol**; S Holmes pe, hist, eng lit; G Hudson-Hunter econ*, psychol*, maths*; A Hussain psychol, maths, eng lang; A Hussain psychol, biol, hist; F Hussain econ, eng lang; busi studs; U Hussain econ, hist, law; W Hussain frth maths*, econ*, maths; L Hutchinson psychol**, geog**, art, eng lit**; M Ibrahim chem, biol, maths; S Ikram biol*, rel studs**, chem; A Iqbal psychol, law, chem; S Iqbal psychol, rel studs, hist; S Irfan psychol, biol, maths; M Ismail rel studs, pyschol*, eng lit*; S Jackson frth maths**, chem**, phys**, maths**; M Jamil maths, chem, biol*; Z Javed rel studs**, biol, chem; G Jones philos, hist, eng lit; L Joyce psychol, maths, eng lang; S Kaur frth maths**, phys, art, maths**; H Khalid biol*, chem*, maths*; M Lally hist*, maths, econ; A Lawson hist**, maths**, econ**; A Lee psychol*, econ*, maths*; G Lee biol**, hist*, maths*; D Mahmood geog, psychol, eng lang; J Mahmood psychol, biol, maths; K Mahmood psychol*, rel studs**, hist*; E McLaughlin psychol, biol, mus; E Meadows phys, maths; T Meggat biol, hist*, econ; S Meynell psychol**, philos*, eng lang**; A Mohammed biol, pyschol, law; H Mumraz psychol, phys, des tech; S Murphy psychol, maths, art, eng lang*; P Nadella chem**, maths*, biol**; D Nawaz biol, pyschol, chem; F Nicholson biol**, econ*, chem*; D Noszkay span*, fren**, hist*, eng lit**; T O’Hare frth maths**, phys*, maths**; J Oldroyd econ, phys, maths; O O’Toole psychol, geog, eng lang*; L Owen-Butterworth eng lang, pyschol, eng lit; H Pearce psychol, econ, maths; J Price biol, pyschol, eng lang; G Priestley hist, chem; I Rafiq maths**, chem**, biol**; S Rana phys*, maths*, chem*; J Randerson econ, maths, phys; H Rashid biol**, chem**, maths; S Rashid econ, pyschol, eng lang; N Rice maths, art**, chem; J Robinson-Woods hist, phys, maths; E Roper frth maths, phys**, hist*, maths*; H Sahdia geog, maths, eng lang; N Sampson econ; B Saville psychol, rel studs, law; R Sheeran phys, art, maths; A Shelton geog**, econ, fren*; C Siddall chem, econ*, pyschol**; U Sohail chem, maths, biol**; S Spooner frth maths, chem, phys*, maths*; H Sreedharala biol, maths, chem*; A Stephenson chem, rel studs**, biol; D Stoker econ, maths, pyschol; M Stoker biol, pe, sport; E Stringer econ, rel studs*, pyschol; H Tahira psychol, eng lang, law; A Taylor biol, hist, chem; C Teal span**, eng lang**, germ**; N Uttley hist, germ, econ; G Wade psychol, philos, eng lit; A Walker maths*, geog*, des tech; M Wardak rel studs, eng lang, eng lit; M Waseem rel studs, pyschol, eng lang; H Watson phys, germ*, maths; H Watson psychol*, hist, econ*; S Weller rel studs*; maths; pyschol*; S Whaites rel studs*, fren, eng lang; H Whearty biol, geog, eng lit; M Whiley geog, psychol, gov and polits, psychol; J Whitehead econ, maths, busi studs; D Whitelaw psychol, geog, hist; O Williams phys, maths, des tech; L Wisniewski maths, perf studs; N Wood econ, des tech, busi studs; H Woodhouse psychol, pe, hist; A Wright geog**, pyschol*, econ*; T Wroot psychol, rel studs, philos; M Zafar biol, rel studs*, chem.

Lightcliffe Academy

Results to come

Hipperholme Grammar School

S Godlington biol, sport and pe, psychol; T Karim biol, chem, rel studs; A Taylor biol, hist, rel studs; A Manjanja eng lit, germ, rel studs; W Luty maths**.

North Halifax Grammar School

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A Abbas, biol, chem, maths; G Ackroyd, photy*, prod des, elect; A Ahmed, maths*, maths f, phys; M Ali, fine art, geog; M Ali, biol, busi studs, chem; H Ali, busi studs, maths**, maths f**; M Al-Ramadhani, chem, maths, phys*; A Amer, eng lang, rel studs; A Ashraf, eng lang, psychol, sociol; R Azam, biol, chem, maths*; A Baxter, biol, geog, psychol; J Beadsley, busi studs**, econ**, maths*; R Begum, psychol, sociol; J Bingham, maths**, maths f, phys*; W Bingham, biol*, chem, span**; E Binns, eng lit, hist, rel studs; H Birkinshaw, eng lang**, geog**, hist; J Blackhurst, busi studs*, geog, rel studs; D Boyle, photy, prod des, psychol; E Bradley, eng lit*, gov & polits*, psychol*; B Brankin, econ, fren, psychol; S Brant, biol*, maths, phys*; B Brearley, geog, psychol, sociol; E Brierley, photy, comp, econ; M Bryan, biol, chem, psychol; O Buchan, maths**, maths f**, phys**, elect**; N Carter, eng lang**, sociol**, span*; E Cartman, econ*, hist, gov & polits*; A Catherall-Green, econ, gov & polits, psychol*; E Chapman, psychol*; E Colclough, eng lit, fine art, psychol; B Collier, photy, busi studs, psychol; L Corbett-Martin, eng lit**, hist**, psychol**; E Dare, photy, prod des; G Dawson, busi studs*, econ, fren; B Delahaye, maths*, maths f, phys; A Dhesi, maths*, maths f, phys; S Ditta, photy, psychol, sociol; M Dove, comp, phys; M Eccleston, germ, psychol**, sociol**; N Edden, biol, econ, gov & polits*; J Eliot, econ*, maths, phys; K Emery, eng lang, geog*, psychol; G Evans, photy**, eng lang**, eng lit*, maths*; M Evans, biol**, chem**, maths*; L Fairley, hist, gov & polits, psychol*; R Findlay, biol, maths, psychol*; C Fletcher, biol, chem, maths; M Frost, biol**, eng lit**, fine art; C Galvin, busi studs*, econ*, gov & polits; O Gerrard, comp; K Graham, photy, busi studs, psychol; M Greenwood, busi studs*, econ, geog; N Greenwood, biol**, geog**, maths**; B Gregg, econ**, hist**, gov & polits*; F Haigh, med studs; R Hall, mus*, psychol*, span*; E Hand-Halford, eng lit, med studs**, psychol; T Hanson, busi studs, psychol, sociol; R Hardy, geog, maths, phys; M Harris, germ*, maths*, phys*; B Hartley, econ, maths, phys; W Hartley, prod des, eng lang, med studs*; A Hartley, chem, maths*, phys*; W Hayes, hist, rel studs*; I Heath, med studs, gov & polits, rel studs; N Hendy, photy, psychol, sociol; E Hey, photy, busi studs, psychol; L Heyes, biol*, maths, span*; A Hodkinson, eng lit, hist*, gov & polits; M Hofton, geog, maths, phys; J Horne, photy, fren, med studs; O Hornsby, econ, maths, gov & polits; L Howell, biol, eng lit, psychol; T Howell, biol, econ, phys; E Howson, fren*, psychol*, span; J Hunt, maths, phys, elect; A Hussain, biol, chem; K Hussain, busi studs, psychol, elect; U Hussain, econ, psychol; A Hyde, busi studs, econ, gov & polits; M Iveson, busi studs**, psychol*, rel studs*; W Jackman, busi studs, phys, elect; E Jammeh, geog, hist, psychol; A Johnson, comp, maths, elect; M Jones, fren, geog, span*; C Jones, hist, maths, maths f; S Jones, biol, econ*, eng lang**; A Jones, hist, med studs*, gov & polits; H Kershaw, photy, fren, psychol; H Kilcoyne, eng lit**, hist**, psychol**; K Labidi, eng lang**, maths**, rel studs**; A Lad, busi studs, phys, elect; M Lad, photy, busi studs*, chem; J Leedale, econ*, maths*, phys*; M Long, photy, fren*, germ; C Lyons, busi studs, hist, psychol; F Mackenzie, maths, phys, elect*; J Mackrill, busi studs, psychol, sociol; Z Mahmood, geog, sociol*; A Matischen, biol, chem; M Matloob, biol, busi studs*, chem; O Mawer, busi studs**, gov & polits*, span*; E Mayland, eng lit**, fren*, hist**; C McAuliffe, biol*, chem, maths; W McCormack, biol*, chem*, maths*; J McRae, busi studs*, med studs, sociol; S Megson, biol, chem, geog*; H Mehmood, phys, elect; N Naidoo, biol, busi studs, psychol; C Nash, biol, eng lit, psychol; A Nowak, eng lit, fine art, sociol; K Nunn, biol**, chem*, span; E Padden, eng lang, sociol**, span*; J Parry, eng lit*, hist*, phys; J Patel, biol*, chem**, maths**; M Patel, busi studs*, econ*, psychol; J Pearson, chem, maths, phys; A Pedley, maths**, maths f**, phys**; G Povey, maths, maths f, phys; A Pullan, biol, geog, psychol*; S Ramzan, eng lang, eng lit, rel studs; Z Ramzan, biol, chem, geog; A Reeday, biol, chem, maths; E Rhodes, chem, maths, span; D Roberts, comp*, maths*, elect**; S Roberts, eng lit**, fren**, germ*; R Roe, eng lit, hist, psychol; J Rooney, photy, med studs; E Rothery, eng lang, geog, elect; B Sadik, biol, chem, geog; C Scotford, maths*, maths f*, phys*; H Seedat, prod des, fine art; I Shoesmith, biol, fren, psychol*; E Simpson, eng lang, hist, psychol; J Skelton, biol, chem, geog; M Slade, eng lang, eng lit, rel studs; D Smith, prod des, eng lit; S Smith, biol**, chem*, span*; E Smithson, biol*, chem*, maths*; A Stewart, biol*, hist, maths; H Sutcliffe, biol, geog*, maths; A Sykes, chem*, maths*, maths f**, phys*; J Talbot, busi studs, econ**, maths*; R Taswar, biol, chem, psychol*; R Thomas, photy*, prod des, fine art*; R Thomas-Bourne, biol*, eng lit, psychol; K Thompson, chem, geog, maths, phys; F Thompson, biol, fren, phys; J Thompson, biol*, chem, maths; H Thoseby, busi studs*, econ, med studs; H Trevisani, hist*, psychol**, sociol**; V Trudgill, chem**, geog*, maths*; J Turner, maths, med studs, psychol; H Turton, econ, germ, maths; M Usman, biol, busi studs, psychol; I Waheed, eng lang, eng lit, sociol; E Walker, photy, med studs, sociol*; J Walsh, maths, psychol*; H Welch, med studs*, psychol, sociol; P Welch, eng lit**, fren, maths; A Wheatley, fren**, maths*, span**; J Whiteley, elect; C Whittaker, eng lang, geog, rel studs; E Williams, photy, fine art, med studs*; J Williams, busi studs, med studs, rel studs; B Wilson, maths**, maths f*, phys**; H Yasin, biol, chem, maths; L Yeates, econ, maths, psychol*; U Zaman arab, photy, eng lit;

Rastrick High School

B Ahmed art, eng lit, photography; R Airth art, photography; E Albrow prod des; H Ali prod des; H Brooke biol**, chem*, physics ; T Brown biol, chem, psychology; H Carr geog, maths, physics; B Clarkson eng lit, eng lang; B Clough biol, eng lang; S Dare art**, textiles**; C Davies photography; A Donovan biol, pe; E Dowson comp, maths, physics; A Elliott art, textiles**, photography; S Gardner eng lit, psychology, rel studs; J Garforth econ, maths; E Gledhill art; S Gledhill chem, maths, physics; E Gregory biol*, chem*, maths*; E Hamilton biol, chem; R Haywood biol, comp, geog; J Holness econ ; G Holt , sociol; M Hoyle art, prod des; A Hussain prod des; Z Hussain biol, psychology; M Jagger rel studs, sociol; G Jenkins art, eng lang, sociol, exp; R Jubb eng lit, rel studs, sociol; C Kaur eng lang, psychology, sociol; J Kaur textiles; P Kaur art, textiles*; E Kos geog, maths, physics; E Lowson eng lit, ict; N Mahmood eng lit, sociol; J Meadowcroft econ, psychology; R Miah prod des, econ; E Mitchell econ, eng lit, sociol; M Moolman pe; R Mulhall prod des, exp; R O’Hare biol, geog, hist*; S Pinnock econ, eng lit, sociol*, exp; B Price econ, eng lang, geog; J Rimmer chem*, hist**, maths*, physics*; A Robertshaw biol, textiles*, geog; A Sarwar econ, eng lit, psychology; G Singh maths, physics, psychology; H Singh prod des; H Slocombe biol, maths, photography ; C Souster biol, comp, maths; T Stewart art, textiles; D Stoker textiles, pe, exp; A Sykes chem, comp, maths; J Trowell art; K Whitton econ, sociol; E Willerton art, prod des; D Wilson econ, hist ; G Windross textiles; T Wood biol, comp, rel studs; L Worsley comp, econ.

BTEC results:

R Airth ict tech**; E Albrow ict tech**; H Ali sci bt**, ict tech**; N Bowles busi bt**, hosp bt**, sci bt**; R Chingombe sci bt**, sports bt**, ict tech**; B Clarkson busi bt**; S Dare ict tech**; C Davies health and soc bt**, sci bt*; M Douglas busi bt**, ict tech**; M Eyles busi bt**, sci bt**, ict tech**; E Gledhill hosp bt**, health and soc bt**; J Holness sci bt**, ict tech**; G Holt ict tech**, health and soc bt**; M Howarth-Brown busi bt**, hosp bt*, ict tech**; Z Hussain sci bt**; J Kaur busi bt**, sci bt**; P Kaur busi bt**; O Kelly busi bt**, sci bt**, ict tech**; A Kora busi bt**, hosp bt**, sci bt**; E Lowson ict tech**; N Mahmood busi bt**; S McMoran busi bt**, sci bt**, ict tech**; S McPhee hosp bt**, health and soc bt**, sci bt**; R Miah sci bt**; M Moolman hosp bt*, sci bt**; R Mulhall busi bt**, ict tech**; M Qasim busi bt**, health and soc bt**, ict tech**; H Singh sci bt**; R Singh busi bt**, sci bt**, ict tech**; T Stewart ict tech**; D Stoker busi bt**; J Trowell sci bt**, ict tech**; K Whitton sports bt**; F Wilson hosp bt**, health and soc bt**, sci bt**; G Windross hosp bt*, health and soc bt**; L Worsley ict tech**.

Ryburn Valley High School

N BABER dram and theat studs*, geog, hist*; C BAINES eng lang*, med studs, rel studs; O BENN eng lang*, maths, psychol; H BENTLEY eng lang, law, rel studs; S BLOOMFIELD sociol; N BROCKBANK chem, eng lang; M BUSH busi, eng lang, psychol; A CAMPBELL eng lang, eng lit, film; S CHILD dram and theat studs*, eng lang*, psychol*; D ELLIS art, film, photy; L FARRELL eng lang*, law, rel studs*; E FAULCONBRIDGE biol, fren, maths; A FINAN eng lang, film, med studs; S GAIMSTER art, textiles; J GAYNOR chem, Computing, ict; C GRUMMITT ict, med studs, photy; E GRUMMITT ict, prod des; G HACKETT eng lang*, psychol*, rel studs*; J HALLOWELL busi, Computing, med studs; G HARTLEY film, law, rel studs; K HAUGHTON art, chem, photy; S HOLMES chem*, Computing, gen studs, maths*; S HOPKINSON eng lang, sociol; J JACKSON biol, chem, maths; K JASPER photy; Z KING busi, Computing, law; N KITCHEN chem, maths, phys; J LEONARD eng lang, gen studs, maths, phys; W LEUNG busi, prod des, sociol; A LORD Computing, ict, psychol; O MAIN geog, law, rel studs*; D MARSHALL Computing, maths; H MCAULIFFE Computing, ict; J MCHUGH dram and theat studs*, eng lit, psychol; I MCPARTLING dram and theat studs, geog, hist; G MOORE eng lit, law, psychol; J MOUNTAIN film, med studs; T NOLAN chem, med studs; C NORMANTON biol, eng lit, gen studs; J POWER biol, chem, med studs; M RAWSON med studs, photy; S ROBINSON film, med studs, sociol; S ROBINSON dram and theat studs*, eng lang, maths; L ROONEY busi, med studs, sociol; R SCOTT sociol; T SIMMS prod des; R SPELLER biol, eng lang, gen studs, psychol; B STEAD geog, law, photy; M STEAD art, rel studs, textiles; S STEELE busi, ict, prod des; L STOTT film, maths; O SWALES chem, maths, phys; A SWEENEY eng lang*, eng lit*, psychol; H TAVACI art, photy, prod des; E TAYLOR eng lang, film, med studs; I TURNER art, chem, maths; K WEBB busi, eng lang, law; O WEBSTER dram and theat studs, eng lang*, law; E WHITAKER art, eng lang; C WHITEHEAD Computing, ict, psychol; S WIGGLESWORTH art, ict; G WOMERSLEY chem, maths, prod des; N WOOD Computing;

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S ALI busi bt2**, health and soc c bt*; G BAILEY busi bt2**, sports bt; O BENN dance/pa bt*; S BLOOMFIELD busi bt, mus bt*; N BROCKBANK mus bt*; K BROCKLEHURST busi bt*, health and soc c bt*, mes studs bt*; M BUSH sports bt*; J COWTON busi bt; B GAIMSTER busi bt*, sports bt2**; S GAIMSTER health and soc c bt*; C GRUMMITT busi bt*; E GRUMMITT busi bt*; B HANSEN busi bt2*, mes studs bt*; A HEALEY mes studs bt*, sports bt2; S HOPKINSON sports bt*; R JENKINS busi bt2*, mes studs bt*; J KANE busi bt2; I KHALID chld dev; D MARSHALL busi bt2**; H MCAULIFFE busi bt*; J MCHUGH busi bt*, mes studs bt*; T NOLAN sports bt*; H PELL mes studs bt*, sports bt2; J POWER busi bt*, sports bt2**; R SCOTT health and soc c bt*; N SENIOR busi bt*, mes studs bt*, mus bt*; T SIMMS busi bt2**; E WHITAKER health and soc c bt*; N WOOD busi bt2**;

Sowerby Bridge High School

H AHMED ict, pe, sci; H AHMED busi studs,ict; N AKHTAR busi studs, crim, ict; A ALI busi studs, ict; I ALI busi studs, chld dev, health and soc c; J ALI busi studs, ict; M ALI busi studs, eng lang and lit, ict; R ALIA busi studs, health and soc c; M ARIF busi studs; M AURANGZEB busi studs, health and soc c; K AZAM crim, sci ; H BASHARAT health and soc c, sci ; L BRITTEN art and des, ict; R CAMPLIN crim, eng lang and lit, sociol; M FATIMA art and des, health and soc c; S FIAZ busi studs, crim, ict; L FLETCHER, health and soc c; S GULAB busi studs, health and soc c; A HABIB eng lang and lit, health and soc c, sociol; A HAROON busi studs, crim, sociol; A HORVATH busi studs, ict; A HUSSAIN busi studs, crim, ict; A HUSSAIN busi studs, crim, ict; Z HUSSAIN, eng lang and lit, health and soc c, sociol; T IQBAL busi studs, eng lang and lit, health and soc c; S ISRAR eng lang and lit; A KENNY art and des; M MAHBOOB health and soc c, sci; H MURPHY busi studs, crim; J NANAR busi studs, ict; A NASEER busi studs, ict; H NAWAZ crim, ict, sci; E PEGZA busi studs, ict, pe; H PRICE chld dev, health and soc c; A RAMIZ busi studs, crim; F RANGZEB busi studs, crim; M RICE chld dev, eng lang and lit, health and soc c, pe; D SADIQUE busi studs, eng lang and lit, sociol; F SATTAR busi studs, crim, ict; H SHARP crim, pe, sci; S SHAZAD busi studs, health and soc c; N SIVAKOVA , health and soc c, ict; B SMEE pe, sci; R STATHAM crim, ict, sci; H TAJ crim, ict, sci; K TAYLOR busi studs, chld dev, health and soc c; C THOMPSON busi studs, ict; N VOWLES health and soc c, pe; S YOUNIS busi studs, crim, ict; I ZAHID eng lang and lit, health and soc c.

Todmorden High School

Results to come

Trinity Academy

A Abson eng lang; T Abson psychol, apld busi; A Aftab eng lang and lit; H Akhtar eng lang and lit; M Allen sociol, rel studs, eng lit; K Augustine hist, apld busi, eng lit; J Ayres psychol, sociol, rel studs; J Baines pe, maths, phys; C Barwell apld bus, maths; A Batty psychol, maths; J Beevers hist**, fren**, span*; E Berkeley eng lang, biol; Z Bibi eng lit; M Bicknell hist*, maths, econ*; J Binns apld busi; A Birchall maths, phys; A Blakey-Caswell eng lit; C Box apld busi, rel studs; J Calvert maths, frth maths, comp; G Claxton hist; C Clegg psychol**, biol*, chem; C Coveyduck photy; L Crabtree sociol, eng lang; D Craig art and des, photy; T Craven-Carter pe, biol; C Crawshaw biol, eng lit; B Crossley maths, comp, phys; J Cunningham textiles, photy, med studs; A Dalby psychol, rel studs, eng lit; L Denny photy, apld busi, med studs; S Dyson psychol, sociol, ict; C Emmett eng lang, med studs; M Eyles prod des; J Farrell apld busi, prod des, ict; S Feeley photy*, med studs, perf arts*; B Fellows photy, comp, med studs; N Field hist; J Freeman psychol, sociol, maths; K Gill eng lang, rel studs; M Goodwin maths, apld busi*, biol; M Hamid textiles; E Harper apld sci; A Heptinstall pe, apld busi; B Hudson psychol, biol, chem; R Hulston photy; I Hussain eng lang; A Ingram hist*, maths**, econ*; A Khalid apld sci; E King psychol, sociol, photy; J Knight art and des**, photy*; A Lamb hist, eng lang, rel studs; E Lansdale sociol, photy, eng lang; A Makela Wambutu apld busi; U Malik hist, rel studs, urdu, eng lit*; N McDonald apld sci; L McNeish photy, apld busi, med studs; K McTear psychol, biol, chem; N Meade eng lang; A Mitchell eng lang; L Mitchell pe, biol; L Moran fren, perf arts*, eng lit; S Mudasar psychol, eng lang, apld sci; B Murphy maths, phys, eng lang and lit; H Myers hist, perf arts**, eng lit; O Myhowycz textiles*, eng lang; B Naylor pe; L Okanga apld busi; L Parker psychol*, sociol*, maths; L Partington textiles*, apld busi, med studs; Y Patat art and des*, eng lit; A Perry pe, eng lang; O Price photy, ict; E Pyzer perf arts*, eng lit; J Quinn maths, ict, med studs; J Ralph maths, phys, eng lang and lit; O Rawnsley apld sci; M Rhode hist, gov and polits, eng lit; R Rhodes photy; C Ripley psychol, photy, med studs; L Robinson apld busi, ict, med studs; J Rochford art and des*, prod des, eng lang and lit; M Rochford sociol, photy, ict; J Rodrigues-Campbell biol, med studs; R Roheel apld sci; M Rose rel studs, biol; A Rothery maths, ict; B Rowan photy, eng lang, eng lit; S Rowan-Scaife photy*; S Rushworth textiles**; C Schofield eng lang, biol; B Scully psychol; K Sefton psychol, apld sci; R Sharpe pe; L Shaw hist, psychol, perf arts*; S Skonieczny pol*, maths, chem, phys; A Slack psychol, social, rel studs; K Smallbones hist, psychol, sociol; J Stansfield hist; M Steel-Storry maths, comp, phys; H Storey psychol, eng lang; M Szafranski apld sci, eng lang and lit; A Taylor pe, apld busi, biol; B Taylor hist, maths, gov and polits; K Taylor maths, phys, eng lit; C Thomason-Stokes hist, eng lang; C Thristan apld busi, perf arts; M Travis hist, gov and polits, rel studs*; S Waseem hist, maths, apld busi; C Waterworth hist, gov and polits, eng lit; G Whitaker photy*, apld sci, apld busi; I White perf arts*, eng lit; R Whitworth psychol, sociol; A Widdop ict, eng lang and lit; J Williams hist, maths, chem; H Wilson pe, maths; T Wilson psychol, eng lang and lit; B Wolski-Rutkowski pol, photy, comp, ict; B Woodworth psychol, eng lang; K Yasin textiles; A Younis sociol, eng lang; E Zakaraite hist, span, eng lit; Z Zubair eng lang, apld busi.

Subject key

Grade A passes marked by an asterisk (*)

Grade A-star passes marked by two asterisks (**)

Accounting - account

Ancient History - anc history

Applied Art and Design - apld art and des

Applied Art and Design (dble award) - apld art and des2

Applied Business - apld busi

Applied Business (dble award) - apld busi2

Applied ICT - apld ict

Applied ICT (dble award) - apld ict2

Applied Performing Arts - apld perform arts

Applied Science - apld sci

Applied Science (dble award) - apld sci2

Arabic - arab

Archaeology - arc

Art - art

Art and Design - art and des

Bengali - beng

Biology - biol

Biology and Human Biology - biol and hum biol

Business - busi

Business Studies - busi studs

Chemistry - chem

Child Development - chld dev

Chinese - chin

Classical Civilisation - class civil

Communication Studies - com studs

Computing - comp

Creative Writing - crea writ

Criminology - crim

Critical Thinking - crit think

Dance - dance

Design and Technology - des tech

Drama and Theatre Studies - dram and theat studs

Economics - econ

Economics and Business Studies - econ and busi studs

Electronics - elect

Engineering - engine

English Language - eng lang

English Language and Literature - eng lang and lit

English Literature - eng lit

Environmental Science - environ sci

Film Studies - film

Fine Art - fine art

Food Studies - food studs

French - fren

Further Maths - frth maths

General Studies - gen studs

Geography - geog

Geology - geol

German - germ

Government and Politics - gov and polits

Graphics Communication - graphic com

Gujarati - guj

Health and Social Care - health and soc c

Health and Social Care (dble award) - health and soc c2

History - hist

History of Art - hist art

Home Economics - home ec

Human Biology - hum biol

ICT - ict

Latin - lat

Law - law

Leisure Studies - leis studs

Leisure Studies (dble award) - leis studs2

Maths - maths

Maths (Further Additional) - FAmaths

Media Studies - med studs

Medieval History - med hist

Music - mus

Music technology - mus tech

Panjabi - panj

Performance Studies - perf studs

Performing Arts - perf arts

Philosophy - philos

Photography - photy

Physical Education - pe

Physics - phys

Polish - pol

Portuguese - port

Product Design - prod des

Psychology - psychol

Public Services - publ ser

Religious Studies - rel studs

Russian - russ

Science - sci

Sociology - sociol

Spanish - span

Sport and Physical Education - sport and pe

Statistics - stats

Textiles - textiles

Theatre Studies - theat studs

Travel and Tourism - trav and tour

Travel and Tourism (dble award) - trav and tour2

Urdu – urdu

BTEC subject key

Acting BTEC - act bt

Applied Law BTEC - apld law

Applied Medical Science BTEC - apld medi sci

Applied Science - Forensic BTEC - apld sci foren bt

Applied Science BTEC - apld sci bt

Business BTEC - busi bt

Dance/Performing Arts - dance/pa bt

Diploma in Finance - dip fin

Health and Social Care BTEC - health and soc c bt

Hospitality BTEC - hosp bt


Law BTEC - law bt

Music BTEC - mus bt

Public Services BTEC - publ ser bt

Science BTEC - sci bt

Sports BTEC - sports bt