Families praise reaction from Calderdale schools visiting London during terror attack

The scene outside the Houses of Parliament yesterday.The scene outside the Houses of Parliament yesterday.
The scene outside the Houses of Parliament yesterday.
Parents and families have praised Calderdale Council and four schools for their swift action and keeping them informed about the safety of their children following the London terrorist attack.

Children from four schools in Calderdale who were visiting the capital as part of school projects yesterday afternoon.

More than 50 children from Luddendenfoot Academy, Siddal Primary School, Field Lane Junior and Infant School, and Cliffe Hill Community Primary School were in London on Wednesday while an attack took place that has resulted in four deaths.

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The Luddendenfoot pupils were visiting the Houses of Parliament but Calderdale Council’s cabinet member for children and young people’s services confirmed that all were safe.

Readers have taken to our Facebook page to thank and praise the work done by the schools and Council.

Victoria Shackley said “Praise and thanks to the school for keeping us parents updated throughout the day and a massive thank you to the head and deputy who will have had to put on brave faces to keep the children calm and reassured! And the service men and women who protected our children! Thoughts to all the victims and their families on such a tragic day.”

Becka Jayne said: “Big thank you to the head making that call to the other head and then her taking immediate action for my boy and his group’s safety without the children getting wind of what was happening.”

Julie Ackroyd said: “Well done Siddal staff for keeping us all informed how our children are at this horrendous time. Thank you. Will be so relieved when they are home.”