Morning travel and weather update

Traffic is starting to build up on major roads in Calderdale this morning (Friday).

On the A58 Wharf Street in Sowerby Bridge traffic is busy but moving in both directions at the A6139 Tuel Lane junction.

Traffic on the A629 Cow Green in Halifax is busy but moving in both directions at the Bull Green junction.

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On the A629 Calderdale Way in Elland traffic is busy but moving in both directions at the A6025 Halifax Road junction.

Traffic on the A629 Huddersfield Road in Halifax is busy but moving northbound between the A646 Dryclough Lane junction and the Ward’s End junction.

Traffic on the A641 Huddersfield Road in Brighouse is busy but moving outbound at the Bethel Street junction.

On the A58 Aachen Way in Halifax traffic is busy but moving at the Queen’s Road junction.

There are no reported problems on the buses or trains.

Weather wise, Calderdale will see mainly sunny spells today, with the odd period of overhead cloud. There will be lows of 15C and highs of 19C.