£19m grant awarded to Calderdale to repair flood-ravaged roads in borough

Calderdale Council has been awarded a £19.47 million grant by the Department for Transport (DfT) to help repair flood damaged roads across the borough.

The funding will allow repairs to be made across the highways network, including at Scout Road and the A646 in Mytholmroyd.

Storm Eva had a devastating impact across West Yorkshire. The repair bill to restore all the affected roads and bridges in Calderdale alone is estimated at £32.5 million.

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Councillor Tim Swift, leader of Calderdale Council, said:“We’ve been working hard since the Boxing Day floods to make our case to the Government.

“Obviously we’re delighted by this award and by last week’s announcement of £35 million to the Environment Agency for flood defences in Calderdale.

“This will allow us to rebuild our vital infrastructure and restore confidence in our towns, which are continuing to recover from the devastating floods.

“However, the impact was so great that we still face a funding gap of around £11million and we will continue to press the Government for further support.”

The DfT announcement is in addition to the £5.5 million announced in January 2016 to rebuild Elland Bridge, bringing the total allocated by the DfT to Calderdale to £24.97 million.