Boy, 13, sentenced for rape of 6-year-old in Rastrick

A 13 year-old boy has been sentenced to a three year youth rehabilitaion order for raping a six-year-old boy in Rastrick.

The teenager, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, pleaded guilty at Bradford Crown Court to one count of rape.

The court heard how the incident occurred at a house in Rastrick on January 12 when he was in the bedroom of the six-year-old and he had pushed a toy box in front of the door to prevent anyone from entering.

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Judge David Hatton said the event caused the victim drastic trauma and psychological damage.

However, he added that in the documents and reports he had read, the 13-year-old was himself a scarred, troubled, emotionally deprived and a sad young boy.

The Bradford teenager was also sentenced to a three year supervision requirement and must participate in the National Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Children harmful sexual behaviour programme.

He was also given a sexual prevention order where he cannot contact the complainant in any way and prohibits him from working with children where there is a likely chance him having unsupervised access to a child under the age of 16.

The last order is a precaution and can be removed in the future with an appeal to the court.