VIDEO: Scottish Independence - Saltire flies above Harrogate

The Saltire is flying above Harrogate as part of the council’s bid to urge a ‘no’ vote in the Scottish Independence Referendum.The Mayor of Harrogate, who hails from Arbroath on Scotland’s North-East coast, joined Harrogate Borough Council Leader Richard Cooper to hoist the flag high above the authority’s Crescent Gardens base.It is believed to be the first time in history that Scotland’s flag has flown above Crescent Gardens.The council is joining other authorities across England in flying the Saltire to urge Scots to vote ‘no’ in the Independence Referendum on Thursday, September 18.Scots will vote yes or no to the question: “Should Scotland be an independent country?”Coun Clark told the Harrogate Advertiser Series: “This is a display of the affection the people of the Harrogate district have for the Scots.“I have lived here for the last 17 years, and I have been made very welcome.
“I think there are great advantages to being one United Kingdom, but at the same time recognising the unique identity of Scotland.”Coun Richard Cooper, Leader of Harrogate Borough Council said: “I am sure I speak on behalf of all councillors when I say that we want Scotland to remain part of the United Kingdom. “We have the honour of an Arbroath man as our Mayor.“Jim Clark’s activity as a Scottish First Citizen of our English Borough reminds all of us on a daily basis of our shared history and the value of a shared future.”Follow full coverage of the Scottish Independence Referendum.Visit our website on Thursday, September 18 and follow options guiding you to live coverage from our Johnston Press sister title, The Scotsman.{|Follow coverage here|Follow coverage here}Read more:{|Harrogate council to fly Saltire|Harrogate council to fly Saltire}