Information for Southend United and Maidenhead United have not been included as they could not be found online.
All early bird offers that could be found have been included. Early bird offers at different clubs have now expired, but have still been included in this list.
Different prices at the same club indicate there are different costs in different parts of their ground.
Prices and information are correct as of publication date.
1. AFC Fylde
Adults: £250-£475 (Early Bird: £230-£400)Under 18s: £80-£90 (£60-£70)Under 12s: Free in North Stand, £65-£80 elsewhere (Early Bird: £40 to £60)Photo: AFC Fylde
2. Aldershot
Adults: £340 (Early Bird: £320)Military Personnel: £315 (Early Bird: £285)Senior (Over 66): £315 (Early Bird: £285)Disabled: £315 (Early Bird: £285)Young Person (18-20): £315 (Early Bird: £285)17 and Under: £105 (Early Bird: £95)Under 11: FreePhoto: Ben Hoskins
3. Altrincham
Adults: £320 (Early Bird: £308)Concessions: £265 (Early Bird: £253)Juniors (12-17): £120 (Early Bird: £108)Children (5-11): £60 (Early Bird: £54)Photo: Clive Brunskill
4. Barnet
Adults: £312-£408Concessions: £216-£264Under 17s: £84Photo: Jack Thomas