Calderdale pupil celebrates achieving top GCSE results

Isobella Shaw-White.Isobella Shaw-White.
Isobella Shaw-White.
A Calderdale pupil has plenty to celebrate after receiving top results in her GCSEs.

Isobella Shaw-White, 16, achieved nine 9s and one 8, the equivalent of the top A* A grades of the old grading system.

The pupil from Calder High School, Mytholmroyd, was very pleased with her results which she received on her 16th birthday.

"It was good to get it all over and done with," she said.

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"It was great to get the results on my birthday. To celebrate we went out for dinner and then had a party at the weekend."

Isobella is set to study her A Levels at Burnley College with double maths, English combined and chemistry her chosen subjects.

She has her sights set on going to university to study medicine or maths.

But before then she plans to spend the rest of her summer relaxing, working and has a few fun things planned.

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Isobella's mum Cathy Shaw said she was "over the moon" with her daughter's achievement, particularly after the unusual situation students up and down the country have found themselves in due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

"I always knew she was clever but her results were just outstanding," Cathy said.

"Like a lot of other kids she had a hard time over the past year.

"A lot of parents had trouble with online school but Isobella just got on with it herself. She was so disciplined and worked really hard and got the results she deserved.

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Cathy says that Isobella's results show that you don't have to go to grammar school to get the top grades.

"Calder High have done an amazing job and it shows that it's not just grammar schools that get students to achieve the top grades.

"To get the results Isobella has got is amazing. I'm so proud."

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic GCSE students didn't sit the traditional exams but instead took part in a number of teacher assessments.