Todmorden: Reader's letter - Fielden Hall

Memories of Fielden Centre: Empowered People taster day 2015.Memories of Fielden Centre: Empowered People taster day 2015.
Memories of Fielden Centre: Empowered People taster day 2015.
Do you have memories of Fielden Hall Centre, Todmorden?

Jenny Coleman writes:

On the 11th of March this year the Fielden Hall in Todmorden will mark 150 years of service to the people of Todmorden. From its early days as the school Sarah Fielden opened for children, through its important life as an art school after it was gifted to the town by her son, then as a remedial school and overflow classes after the second world war and finally, following heroic work by local volunteers who brought it back from dereliction, becoming the community facility it is today. This beautiful building has played an important part in Todmorden life.

To mark this anniversary the Fielden Centre Association, with the support of Todmorden Town Council, are holding a weekend of celebration starting in the evening of Friday the 11th and ending on Sunday the 13th of March. We hope that many people, both from Todmorden and from further afield will visit us over this time. We are also calling for input from the community. Do you, or any of your family, have memories of the building? Perhaps you had overflow classes there when you were at secondary school? Did your great granny tell you about going to the art school? Maybe you were part of the group who brought it back from destruction?

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We would love to hear from you, particularly if you have photographs or other documents, and to welcome everybody to come to the Fielden over this weekend to enjoy and learn about this historic building and how we plan to continue its service to its community into the future. To contact us please email [email protected]