Action to be taken over gridlock traffic around Calderdale Royal Hospital

Entrance to the A&E department at Calderdale Royal HospitalEntrance to the A&E department at Calderdale Royal Hospital
Entrance to the A&E department at Calderdale Royal Hospital
Gridlocks have been gripping traffic accessing Calderdale Royal Hospital while major roadworks are ongoing '“ even at non-peak times.

At the full meeting of Calderdale Council, Deputy Leader Coun Barry Collins (Lab, Illingworth and Mixenden) agreed with Coun Chris Pearson (Con, Greetland and Stainland), who raised the issue of access while roadworks affected Skircoat Moor Road which lads onto the main Huddersfield Road, that the situation needed to be looked at again.

Constituents had raised the issue with him and he also had first hand experience when he was taking a vulnerable person there and even at a non-peak time it took 40 minutes to get to the hospital’s access road.

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Traffic lines jammed up with neither giving way, he said, blocking the entrance.

Coun Pearson asked if the route could be closed to traffic on one direction, effectively becoming “one way” while work was going on, in order to alleviate the problem.

Coun Collins agreed the issue needed addressing. A sign saying “no through road” had been placed at a junction further up but it had not deterred everyone and the situation needed to be reassessed.