Cold snap leaves Halifax tenant with no heating and flooded house

Councillor James Baker with the damaged furnitureCouncillor James Baker with the damaged furniture
Councillor James Baker with the damaged furniture
No running water, no heating, no working toilet and a burst pipe - that is what one tenant had to deal with during the cold snap in Calderdale.

Catherine Barker has been left with no running water or heating at her Together Housing property in Ashville Gardens since Friday despite making numerous calls to the housing association.

Her problems continued over the weekend and escalated on Monday when a water pipe burst and flooded her kitchen.

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"No-one has been out to see me and it is freezing," said the 66-year-old speaking yesterday who suffers from epilepsy and asthma. "My hands are like ice and all I have done is just mop, mop, mop.

"Together Housing said they would send someone out on Friday but nobody came. I have been unable to have a shower and I've had to go round to a friends house.

"I know a lot of people will have had problems but I've had no water since Friday and now a burst water pipe."

Water damage has been caused to the floors and furniture in the house.

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Paul Tait, chairman of the Addy community, has been helping Mrs Barker along with Warley Councillor James Baker (Lib Dem)

Mr Tait said there have been long standing issues and problems with the Together Housing properties in the area but nothing has been done.

"She has been living here with this problem for days and it is totally unacceptable.

"We don't know how much water has gone into the property and they have been aware of the problems since Friday."

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Councillor Baker has also been in contact with the housing association to help resolve the situation.

Lee Winterbottom, Head of Planning & Delivery at Together Housing Group, said: “Together Housing work hard to ensure all homes are kept in good repair and have already attended this address to complete emergency work and will be attending for follow up work as soon as possible.

“On this occasion there was a slight delay in initially attending, for which we apologise. We are working closely with the tenant to resolve the situation as swiftly as possible.”

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