Police appeal: Woman sexually assaulted on bus in Bradford

Police are appealing for information after a woman was sexually assaulted while travelling on a bus in Bradford.

The woman was travelling on the 607 towards the city centre at around 1pm on Thursday, June 12, when she was touched over her clothing by an Asian man.

The suspect got off the bus outside Britannia House and is believed to have walked along Broadway, towards the pedestrianised shopping area.

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He is believed to be around 40-years-old, six feet tall and of stocky build. He had short black hair, described as scruffy, and was wearing traditional Asian dress which was light grey with a tinge of green.

Inspector George Bardell, of the Bradford East Area Neighbourhood Team, said: “We believe the suspect got on the bus in Leeds Road close to the junction with Dick Lane at about 12.55pm, so we would appeal to anyone who saw this man at the bus stop to come forward.

“We would also like to speak to a woman who asked the victim if she was okay when she got off the bus.

“She is believed to be in her late twenties with long brown and blonde hair and wearing a dark jacket, and might have got on the bus in Broadstone Way.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact PC 3847 Baragwanath on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.