Video: ‘Help us catch child groomers’ - Police Crime Commissioner

19th February 2013. Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire Mark Burns-Williamson.19th February 2013. Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire Mark Burns-Williamson.
19th February 2013. Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire Mark Burns-Williamson.
The West Yorkshire Police Crime Commissioner is urging residents not to let CSE offenders get away with it as part of efforts in West Yorkshire to mark the first national Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day.

In a video message, Police and Crime Commissioner Mark Burns-Williamson underlines his support for CSE Awareness Day and his determination to see offenders brought to justice.

Wednesday’s CSE Awareness Day will see officers across West Yorkshire join forces with partners in local authorities on Wednesday March 18 to visit schools and local businesses such as taxi firms, hotels and hostels to increase knowledge of how to spot the signs of the offence.

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Safeguarding officers, who are specially trained in dealing with concerns and reports of child sexual exploitation will be staffing information stands with partners across the districts including Wakefield and Bradford.

Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation remains the number one priority for the West Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner and the force with both continuing to support the ongoing Know The Signs campaign.

Significant investigations into CSE remain ongoing across all five districts including a major enquiry in Calderdale through which 25 men have been charged with sexual offences and are now facing trial.

West Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Mark Burns-Williamson, said: “Child Sexual Abuse is an abhorrent offence and we are pleased to be supporting Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day in West Yorkshire.

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“The issue of tackling CSE is the number one priority for West Yorkshire Police and this is the reason I have committed £1.5-million to establish a dedicated team within West Yorkshire Police to work with Safeguarding Detectives in investigating this crime.

“I hope the day will achieve its aim in helping continue to raise awareness of CSE in West Yorkshire and I want to reassure victims as the region’s Police and Crime Commissioner that resources have been put in place to both investigate offences and help prevent offending taking place.”