West Yorkshire firefighters' delight as Protect the Protectors bill becomes law

West Yorkshire Fire Service Assistant Chief Officer Dave WaltonWest Yorkshire Fire Service Assistant Chief Officer Dave Walton
West Yorkshire Fire Service Assistant Chief Officer Dave Walton
Firefighters across West Yorkshire are delighted to see the Protect the Protectors bill come into full force today
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Emergency services welcome new law giving added protection against attacks

The service has also created their own campaign, called More Than a Uniform, which has raised awareness of and denounced attacks experienced by firefighters when they are just trying to do a job.

“We hope the strengthening in the law will be a deterrent to those who might consider attacking a blue light worker.

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“This year we made a huge effort, along with community leaders and our partners, to clampdown on attacks in the run up to and over the bonfire period when historically we see them soar.

“And whilst we did see a reduction in attacks on firefighters over bonfire weekend, compared with the previous year, we stand by the statement that one attack is one too many.

"We hope the new law is a step towards obliterating any attacks at all on emergency workers.”

READ MROE: Calderdale firefighters attacked and verbally abused by youthsChair of the Fire Authority, Councillor Judith Hughes, spent a shift with firefighters over bonfire weekend along with Paula Sherriff MP and Tracy Brabin MP.

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Coun Hughes said: “Seeing how hard firefighters work over bonfire period and indeed all year through, it is incomprehensible that they also face the added risk of attacks from the communities they serve.

“This is something that we have wholeheartedly condemned as part of our More Than a Uniform campaign which has highlighted that behind every firefighter is a son or daughter, a brother or sister, a husband or wife. “