Wood-brandishing driver threatens man and woman in Wakefield

Police are appealing for witnesses after a man and woman were threatened with a piece of wood in Wakefield.

The incident happened on Upper Lane in Netherton at around 12.30pm on April 5, when a 54-year-old man and a 43-year-old woman were walking on the pavement.

A car drove towards them, before the driver got out and threatened the pair whilst branding a piece of wood.

He then made away from the scene in the vehicle.

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PC Jason Finley, who is investigating the incident, said: “The victims were left shaken and distressed and it is important that we hear from anyone who saw this take place.

“We have arrested a 49 year old man in connection with the incident and he has been bailed pending further enquiries.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact the police via 100 or Crimestoppers, in confidence, on 0800 555 111.