Letter: Look after our excellent pool

Sowerby Bridge poolSowerby Bridge pool
Sowerby Bridge pool
As usual, on Tuesday lunchtime I went for a swim at Sowerby Bridge swimming pool and was horrified to see teaching staff from a local primary school walking up and down the side of the pool in outdoor boots.

All of the children from schools take off their outdoor shoes before entering the changing rooms but not the teaching staff.

I politely pointed out to two of the staff that they should have removed their boots before entering the changing room and the answer was ‘they had not been told to’.

So why do they make the children?

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There are signs up and a large mat asking for outdoor footwear to be removed.

I understand Calderdale councillors have decided to stop providing blue overshoes for environmental and financial reasons.

Obviously, these people do not swim themselves, as they fail to understand that this is a public health issue - whatever they bring into the changing area and poolside on the soles of their footwear ends up in the pool water and then in people’s ears, eyes and mouths.

The options are:

l Bare feet

l Change of footwear eg flip flops

l Bring your own overshoes

l Or back to the old days, when to enter the pool area, everyone had to go through a foot wash containing chemicals!

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This issue needs addressing, as in Sowerby Bridge we have a gaggle of wild geese who often congregate outside the pool entrance and leave large quantities of excrement on the pavements.

So if little Johnny ever develops a nasty eye/ear infection after swimming at Sowerby Bridge, don’t have a go at the hard working staff or threaten to sue Calderdale Council, confront the people who won’t conform.

We all need to look after this excellent pool we now have in Sowerby Bridge.