D-Day over the future of historic Todmorden bandstand

Todmorden band stand in Centre Vale ParkTodmorden band stand in Centre Vale Park
Todmorden band stand in Centre Vale Park
The future of the historic Centre Vale Park bandstand in Todmorden will be discussed by Calderdale Council’s Cabinet.

In July 2019, as no community organisations had formally expressed an interest in taking on responsibility for the bandstand, the Council had no option but to pursue demolition and the creation of a new performance space on the site.

The Council said the bandstand is in a very poor condition after repeated vandalism, including fire damage, and it continues to attract anti-social behaviour.

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The Cabinet is now being asked to reconsider the decision to demolish the structure after the bandstand was given Grade II listed status in December 2019.

The listing has opened up new opportunities for the local community to apply for external funding to give it a new lease of life.

Councillor Jane Scullion, Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Resources, said: “This is a much-loved feature of Centre Vale Park and we’re working closely with local interest groups to try to ensure that it has a sustainable future. We hope the bandstand can soon be restored to its former glory.”

The Council has said immediate work on the bandstand is required to make it safe, to complete essential repairs and to install more secure fencing around the perimeter to protect the building from further damage.

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The Cabinet will also be asked to recommend that officers continue to work with the local community to develop a robust business plan for the bandstand.

This will need to include funding opportunities, which would secure the future of the bandstand in the longer term. The business plan will need to be finalised by December 2020.

The Cabinet will discuss the options available for the future of the bandstand at the next meeting, which will be held from 6pm on Monday 16 March 2020 at Halifax Town Hall.