Rebel n Rose enjoys Tweet success from dragon Theo

Support: Helen Sayer.Support: Helen Sayer.
Support: Helen Sayer.
A Halifax firm has received a boost from entrepreneur and ex Dragons’ Den star Theo Paphitis.

Last week Helen Sayer, owner of Rebel n Rose, tweeted Theo about her business during Small Business Sunday and was one of six weekly winners to gain a retweet by Theo to his 500,000 Twitter followers.

The weekly initiative, set up by Theo in 2010, now has over 2,500 #SBS winners and supports small businesses in the UK.

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Helen said: “We’ve only been in business a year and what a year it’s been. It is great to have support from Theo because it’s been tough trying to raise our profile.

“He has recognised our hard work and helped spread the word about what we do to his followers.”

Rebel n Rose specialises in vegan and cruelty free bath products. The business recently converted all its packaging to eco and recycled packing.

Helen said the reason for the change is all about ‘protecting our oceans and planet for our future generations’.

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