Top marks for primary school

Pupils with headteacher Chris WightmanPupils with headteacher Chris Wightman
Pupils with headteacher Chris Wightman
Staff and students at a Todmorden school are celebrating following a recent Ofsted inspection.

The education watchdog rated Todmorden C of E Junior and Infant and Nursery School, Burnley Road, as good in its report.

Headteacher Chris Wightman said: “It is a testament to the hard work, care and commitment that the whole staff give to the school, to make sure children get the best possible education.”

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Inspectors said attendance is above the national average, pupils make good progress during key stage two and there are few differences between the outcomes of disadvantaged pupils and others.

The report also said pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities make good progress, as additional support is well-targeted.

Inspectors found pupils to be happy at school and a strong ethos of “cooperation and mutual respect”.

“Pupils behave well and are aware of the needs of others. They are friendly and polite,” the report said.

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“Pupils reported, and school records show, that poor behaviour is rare.

“When it does occur, it is followed up carefully and effectively. Parents are fully involved.

“Collective worship is of high quality and pupils participate with enthusiasm.”

The school’s strong emphasis on reading was also praised.

The report outlined: “Pupils have regular opportunities to read in school and are encouraged to read to family members at home.

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“Those pupils who need to catch up with their reading are given additional, targeted, support.

The most-able readers report that they are encouraged to expand and deepen their reading by staff, who help them select appropriately challenging books from the library.”

Next steps identified for the school include improving the quality of teaching of writing, with a focus on boys and key stage two, so outcomes in writing are in line with those of reading and maths.

The report also outlined that the quality of teachers’ feedback should be a focus, so pupils know what they need to do to improve their work.

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