Shocking rise in number of assaults and injuries to people across Calderdale

A new report has revealed that assaults resulting people suffering injuries have risen a whopping 39.5 per cent.

Overall, crime in Calderdale in the first quarter of 2017-18 increased by seven and a half per cent, councillors have been told – but despite that the authority has moved up in the rankings.

The figures were presented to Calderdale Council’s Strategy and Performance Scrutiny Board as part of regular reports on key indicators of perfromance which allow comparisons with 19 other comparable northern boroughs.

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The crime statistics use the police’s recorded crime open data tables and Calderdale is now ranked 15th despite the rise – up from 18th.

In terms of this year, 2018-19, figures to June show a comparable increase in crime to last year, which is in line with the average West Yorkshire authority performance.

Recorded figures for burglary and theft of or from motor vehicles were down but assaults with injury – a type of crime which can include threats – was up by 39.5 per cent.

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Violence without injury crimes like these are increasing at a higher rate than other types of crime across the county with Calderdale seeing large increases, which often involve social and electronic media

This type of crime is recorded due to text messages, social media, phone calls and verbal abuse, councillors heard.

The level of violence is of low nature and in previous years would probably not have been recorded but changes in crime reporting standards have changed this.

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Councillors heard the over picture was then mixed for Calderdale, with the Community Safety Partnership and West Yorkshire Police identifying issues relating to the night-time economy, domestic abuse and others relating to mental health as three key risk areas.

Further CSP work has been approved to further understand issues related to domestic abuse and mental health and a problem-solving approach has been implemented for night time economy issues, councillors heard.

Other indicators presented and discussed included level 4 – higher level – qualifications slightly increasing but below the national average, something the proposed new sixth form college is aimed to address, a small reduction in the number of people receiving direct payments for adult social care with applications now tracked more closely and a rise in the number of 18 to 64-year-olds admitted to care homes, for which referrals are being closely monitored.