Letter: I second praise for NHS staff

Calderdale Royal HospitalCalderdale Royal Hospital
Calderdale Royal Hospital
At this time when it appears rich and powerful people are trying to destroy the NHS, it was good to read the letter from Rebecca Machin and Family (Staff are a credit to NHS, Courier letters, February 17) I would like to add my two pennorth!

My experience of the NHS goes back to the February of the year of its inception, (1948 or49) when I had a life threatening mastoid operation, when I was taken by ambulance with motor cycle escort the 14 miles from Kettering to Northampton General Hospital where I was operated on at 10.30pm. There was dedication and concern!

I have also had periods in Halifax hospitals, where I have always been treated with the utmost concern, compassion and professionalism when all the staff have used their God-given talents admirably.

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I cannot speak too highly of all the NHS staff, from the cleaners to the consultants who have dealt with me.

Even before this admirable institution, I had two near brushes with my own death as a baby in the days when we paid sixpence (2.5 p) per week for the doctor.

I have no complaints with the medical profession then but I don’t think any sensible person would want to go back to a pre-NHS regime.

Graham Rigby, Siddal

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