Forget Me Not welcomes HRH The Duchess of Cambridge’s message to mark Children’s Hospice Week

Forget Me Not welcomes HRH The Duchess of Cambridges message to mark Childrens Hospice WeekForget Me Not welcomes HRH The Duchess of Cambridges message to mark Childrens Hospice Week
Forget Me Not welcomes HRH The Duchess of Cambridges message to mark Childrens Hospice Week
Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice, which helps Calderdale children and their families, has welcomed Her Royal Highness, The Duchess of Cambridge’s message of support to mark Children’s Hospice Week 2019.

Her Royal Highness, The Duchess of Cambridge has sent a message of support to celebrate and mark Children’s Hospice Week.

Children’s Hospice Week (17-23 June) is organised by Together for Short Lives, the UK charity for seriously ill children and families.

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Read: 17 baa-rilliant pictures from this year's Todmorden Agricultural ShowHer Royal Highness, The Duchess of Cambridge, as Royal Patron of East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH), has seen first-hand that children’s hospices provide vital support for seriously ill children, young people and families.

In her personal message, The Duchess hopes that others will join her in thanking children’s hospices for the lifeline care they provide during Children’s Hospice Week.

Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice is one of the charities joining The Duchess to mark Children's Hospice Week and is delighted that The Duchess has sent a special message of support, shining a light on children’s hospices and showing how they help children, young people and families to make the most of their precious time.

The Duchess, as Royal Patron of EACH, has generously given her support to Children’s Hospice Week since 2013.

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The impact over many years has been transformational, helping to raise awareness of the needs of seriously ill children and families and to show why they need specialist support.

Luen Thompson, chief executive at Forget Me Not, said: “It’s fantastic that HRH The Duchess of Cambridge is helping to raise awareness of services like ours by marking Children’s Hospice Week 2019.

Read: Courier readers call for more parking and a Primark"Thankfully, most people will never have to make use of a children’s hospice, but for those that do, we provide essential care and support that help families make the most of every minute.”

In an excerpt from the message, The Duchess says: “Children’s hospices provide vital sanctuaries for those experiencing the very toughest of times. They help families and carers build life long memories that are poignant, happy and often filled with laughter.

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"They provide a lifeline to children and families for however long support is needed and I hope that others join me in thanking them as we shine a light on their work during Children's Hospice Week.”

Welcoming The Duchess of Cambridge’s message of support, Andy Fletcher, CEO for Together for Short Lives, the charity behind Children’s Hospice Week said: “We are thrilled that Her Royal Highness, The Duchess of Cambridge has sent a personal message of support for Children’s Hospice Week 2019, shining a light on the vital role hospices play in building life-long memories for children, young people and families.

"The Duchess’s words, and her support over many years, help to challenge perceptions about children’s hospices and to show they are happy and inspiring services that offer a lifeline to families through the very toughest of times.”

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