Thoughts on Calderdale's Local Plan and how it won't be implemented without a fight

Local PlanLocal Plan
Local Plan
I want to express my utter disdain for a number of pro-mass housing plan trade union and Momentum activists who I witnessed screaming and shouting to drown out reasonable, well behaved, genuine local residents protesting against it.

I was utterly appalled when at one point I witnessed one of the Momentum activists spitting at some of the Conservative councillors merely for standing up for their residents.

I was further disgusted not only with the Labour cabinet who have steamrolled their Mass Housing Plan right over the wishes of the people of Brighouse, but also the Lib Dem and Independent ‘enablers’ who helped them do it.

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The Labour group have ridden rough-shod over what can be only described as a clear ‘No’ to the Mass Housing Plan in Brighouse and Rastrick in the recent local elections.

I’ve heard that hundreds of objections weren’t factored into the consultation and issues raised at local meetings organised by the MP have blatantly not been heard. I was particularly sickened by a piece I read by Coun Colin Raistrick, someone who claimed in his election literature he would not vote for masses of houses but then did, for all the wards surrounding his.

He must not think that the glut of houses that Hipperholme and Lightcliffe will now find itself sandwiched between will affect either air quality or the terrible queues residents experience at the traffic lights each morning.

Residents are rightly shocked that the plan was voted through but I seriously doubt that they will let it be implemented without a fight.